The Aeropress: the Swiss Army Knife of Coffee Brewing
At first glance, the Aerobie Aeropress is innocuous and unassuming. Its wordmarks and primary measurements are embossed and gilded on the outside of the brewer. This, combined with its extremely forgiving recommended brew method, makes this brewer easy to dismiss in favour of more sleek, established and sometimes finicky brew methods. However, make no mistake - the Aeropress is a formidable piece of coffee kit, and your creativity is the only limiting factor in exploring its mysteries. A fun fact about the Aeropress - Alan Adler’s - the inventor - first big invention was the Aerobie Flying Ring. Look it...
World Tour: Vietnam
Our exploration of the global coffee community and traditions continues this week with a trip to Vietnam to check out another unique coffee tradition. On our journey we take a look at the emergence of coffee as a cultural phenomenon and how the Vietnamese have made this drink, truly their own. Introduced to Vietnam by the French in the late 19th century, coffee has blossomed into both a cultural centrepiece and a highly traded commodity. Vietnam is currently the second largest producer of coffee, after Brazil, a result of a coffee boom that occurred in the 1980s and 90s. Vietnam’s coffee...
How to Brew: Cold Brew
The warm weather is coming and around here that means exactly one thing: cold brew! Long-time customers of ours will know we love our Propeller Cold Brew cans, but sometimes it’s nice to be able to brew a batch yourself, with whatever beans you’re psyched about at the time. Luckily, there are a host of devices out there designed to let you do just that. We’ve tested many of them over the years and our favourite at the moment is the Hario Mizudashi - a well-built, simple to use immersion brewer. Here’s our guide to making easy cold brew at...
World Tour: Turkey
As we continue to look at how different cultures connect over coffee, this week, we’re highlighting another country with a proud and longstanding coffee tradition – Turkey! Coffee was introduced to Turkey in 1555 when it was brought to Istanbul by Syrian traders. Initially known as the “the milk of chess players and thinkers,” coffee quickly spread through much of Turkish society. Coffee became a drink central to political and social interaction, at home and in the countless coffeehouses which sprang up across the country. Often considered the first of their kind worldwide, these coffeehouses became integral to Turkish social...
At the Intersection of Art, Chemistry, and Rich Design Tradition - the Hario V-60
Of all the brew styles, the Hario V-60 is a source of constant intrigue and experimentation. The endless variety of materials - classic ceramic, heat proof glass, plastic, and the universally coveted copper - all have their advantages and quirks, and make this brew style fiercely personal. A brief history of Hario - Hario started out exclusively producing home and lab-grade glass materials. After years of research and testing, Hario successfully produced environmentally-friendly heatproof glass, made completely from natural materials. Hario has since pioneered and perfected two of the most iconic brewers in modern coffee lore: the Siphon, and the...
World Tour: Ethiopia
At Propeller, we believe that coffee brings people and cultures closer together. Over the next few weeks, we will share a few of our favourite coffee traditions from around the world to highlight the ways in which coffee brings us together as both a local and global coffee community. We think an appropriate place to start this blog series is in Ethiopia - the commonly agreed to birthplace of coffee. According to Ethiopian legend, a goat herder named Kaldi (or Khalid) discovered coffee when he noticed his goats bouncing around energetically after eating cherries off of a tree. Intrigued by...